My name is Alan Klikić and I’m independent IT consultant @klikix.

My greatest passions are my family, friends, God and Lagom 🙂

I’m working with Lagom from its first release candidate and love sharing my experience by helping community and technology companies in designing, deploying and running reactive microservice systems.

First Lagom experience, I gained, was as CTO @Intenda Net, by designing and implementing inTaxiSolutions (taxi & group transport microservice based cloud platform). Platform is in production from 2017. and is hosting few thousand vehicles all over Europe.

From beginning of 2019., I’m proud Lightbend consulting partner.

Studied telecommunications and IT @University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (2000 – 2005) and worked as software engineer in various IT branches ever since.

If you need help or just want to share your Lagom passion with me feel free to contact me at