Hi, I’m Alan Klikić and welcome to my blog!


Main purpose of this blog is to help community in designing, deploying and running reactive microservice systems based on Lagom and Akka.

Enjoy reading and please share your thoughts, feedback or just a “like” to help me improve it. I highly appreciate it 🙂


Lagom kubernetes setup considerations

Problem Running and testing services in Lagom development environment, with its support for all needed tooling, is a smooth and straight forward process. Everything is prepared and ready to use out-of-the-box. Deploying and running it in…

Distributed transactions in Lagom – Saga pattern

Problem In microservice systems it is often required to implement a business transaction that spans multiple microservices. This is called a distributed transaction (using saga pattern). Distributed transaction consist of multiple operations and requires transaction manager…

Scaling Lagom broker subscriber

Problem When subscribing to Kafka topic, in Lagom and general, we could face a problem that our subscribe message processing is slower then a topic message publishing, ending up having a message consume LAG that increases…